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Epilogue: 11 market research questions to ask about my product

We are the end of our series and what a journey it has been together! We focused on your purpose and getting clarity about your business. What value are you adding to the market. What problems you are solving and for whom. In other words, your target customers. How you understand your target customers better and how to get closer to them.

We talked about different frameworks that you can use to understand your target customers better and so you can craft your messages to resonate better with them. How do you find out what are the ways to approach them. How do you evolve your products as the market moves on.

Then we focused on your competition: how to identify them, methods you can use to learn about your competition and how to apply the learnings from your competitive assessment.

We had examples of companies who are applying the different techniques and approaches that we discussed over the course of the series:

The aim of the series has been to present you with concrete and tangible steps that you yourself can take for working on your business. Retaining the services of a market research expert is a done-for-you approach covering all these aspects that we spoke about. There are a range of market research tools and techniques, such as conducting surveys, interviews and focus groups that can be used to provide you the answer to the business questions you may have about your product and brand perception, target customers and about competitors. If you would like to hear more, please reach out via the Contact Form for a free consult call. I help owners of small businesses to be clear in communicating the scope of their offers and in identifying their ideal clients or customers.

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